Sometimes I need to just wait...

I think I am impatient sometimes... and when I looked at this pic it helped me just think about waiting... it can be a BEAUTIFUL place to be! So... I am waiting... with JOY =)

Pic for today

I have a lot of pix =] I've had no good connection to the Internet... So hopefully NOW I can post them! :)

I love that I can create on my iPad!!


I'm sorry for neglecting this blog... I'm really inspired everyday! But I am learning to balance my "art" on the computer and on paper.

I'm trying to do art projects... With paint, markers, and pens with gesso and glitter =] but this IS a learning process for me right now.

I am not ON my computer as much as I was... Which is a good thing... But I am neglecting my Photoshop skills :(

I am PRAYING thru all of this... I want to do it all and use it ALL for God's glory... And share it with you! Please pray with me as I struggle thru this balancing act!

Here are a few pix of my mixed up life... Haha!!
